============================== DIAFO :: Django Dynamic Form ============================== Diafo is a Django package for generating dynamic forms during the runtime. Requirements ------------ * **Python**: 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 * **Django**: 1.11 * **Django bootstrap form**: 1.4 Installation ------------ 1. Install using pip: .. code-block:: sh pip3 install diafo pip3 install django-bootstrap-form 2. Then add ``'diafo'`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``. .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'diafo', 'bootstrapform', ] 3. Include the polls URLconf in your project urls.py like this:: url(r'^diafo/', include('diafo.urls')), 4. Run `python manage.py migrate` to create the diafo models. Usage ----- Diafo can be used for generating questionnaires consisting various questions during runtime. One can specify the question type like CharField, TextFied, ChoiceField, MultipleChoiceField, etc. Requirement can also be mentioned whether the question is compulsary or not. Let see its usage through a simple survey webapp. .. code-block:: python from diafo.models import Questionnaire class Survey(models.Model): title = models.CharField(max_length=200) #link the form to your model questionnaire = models.OneToOneField(Questionnaire, null=True) And then in your view you could do: .. code-block:: python def new_survey(request): ... #get the title by using form or any how.. questionnaire = Questionnaire.objects.create(name=tilte) survey = Survey.objects.create(title=title, questionnaire = questionnaire) return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('diafo:admin_view', kwargs={'pk': survey.form.pk})) So now that you have questionnaire linked to your model,you can add questions and edit the questionnaire thru the diafo:admin_view, and let the user fill the questionnaire through diafo:user_view. The diafo main URLs are as follows: .. code-block:: python urlpatterns = [ # for adding question,editing questionnaire detail,seeing responses,etc url(r'^admin/(?P[0-9a-f-]+)/$', views.admin_view, name='admin_view'), # for normal users to fill the questionnaire(no edit rights) url(r'^user/view/(?P[0-9a-f-]+)/$',views.user_view, name = 'user_view'), ] The Questionnaire model is as follows: .. code-block:: python class Questionnaire(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=200, null=True) # id used for admin purpose.. used as pk in admin view #id and pk are same since primary key is True id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False) # view_id - used for normal user (can only see and fill the questionnaire) view_id = models.CharField(max_length=50,unique=True, default=uuid.uuid4) #specific settings (can be edited thru diafo admin view for given questionnaire) requires_sign_in = models.BooleanField(default = False, blank = True) collect_identity = models.BooleanField(default = False, blank = True) This is how you can use use the diafo in your views or templates. .. code-block:: python class yourview(request,your_parameters): ... # get the questionnare object. if want_to_go_on_admin_view: # use questionnare.pk and diafo:admin_view #for use in template href={% url 'diafo:admin_view' questionnaire.pk %} return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('diafo:admin_view', kwargs={'pk':questionnaire.pk})) elif want_a_rendered_form_for_user: # use questionnaire.view_pk and diafo:user_view #for use in template href={% url 'diafo:user_view' questionnaire.view_id %} return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('diafo:admin_view', kwargs={'view_id':questionnaire.view_id})) Support ------- If you have questions about usage or development you can contact me. Bugs ---- Really? Oh well.. Please Report. Or better, fix :)